A Holistic New You – for good

Magazines, newspapers and media are today full of popular food trends and articles on how to lead a healthy lifestyle. Unfortunately however for many people it seems much easier to be sedentary and consuming addictive foods full of fat, salt, and sugar than being active and eating healthy food. The messages we get about body image are confusing as on the one hand we are supposed to look like a stick thin model and on the other hand it now seems ‘normal’ to be out of shape and overweight.

In January you will see many fitness or diet plans that promises rapid weight loss or ‘shape up in no time’, however what is much better is a wellness plan that goes beyond just losing pounds and teaches you a lifestyle that will improve your health and keep weight off for good.


Here are a few tips for a Holistic New You:

  1. Embrace a holistic lifestyle.A holistic lifestyle focuses on health first, weight loss second, and is the only sensible approach to lasting results. Creating health needs to be a conscious process, a lifestyle, not a short-lived program. This is what balanced living is bout. It is the necessarily slower approach that works better than ‘fast diet and fitness’ because it gradually brings more of you on board with a realistic plan and teaches you how to sustain your results.
  2. Stop Stressing. Rushing and multitasking are stressful and too often result in reactive and unconscious, unhealthy choices. Slowing down encourages a deeper self-connection that in the long run helps you identify problematic habits, make more conscious choices, and ultimately overcome obstacles. Take a minute to ask yourself whether how you typically spend your time is moving you towards health or in the opposite direction.
  3. Support Yourself. When it comes to reaching health goals research shows that supporting yourself and being kind to yourself is more effective than being tough on yourself. So don’t make the harsh mistake of withholding self-love and acceptance until you’ve arrived at what you consider to be an acceptable body size or fitness level.
  4. Do Yoga. Often underestimated as a weight loss tool, yoga is the epitome of holistic living and therefore a viable path to sustainable weight loss. The ancient, yet, accessible practice offers both challenging fitness and a body-mind-spirit integration system complete with pragmatic guidelines for balanced living. As yoga strengthens, stretches and twists you into amazing shape, the “on and off the mat” practice combination aligns you with your strongest Self to provide a slow but sure pathway out of old habits toward healthier, new ones.

http://www.yogapilatesholidays.com  http://www.innerlightyoga.co.uk

Look and Feel Younger with Meditation


Did you know that regular meditation can make you look and feel 10-20 years younger, increase health and longevity and prevent brain-deterioration, dramatically changing what we previously thought were inevitable processes?

Recent research reveals that meditation lowers the stress chemical in the blood called cortisol. Cortisol kills brain cells and leads to cognitive decline. Mediation also increases the blood flow to the brain, which results in less memory loss. It also lowers blood pressure and other markers of ageing and enhances psychological well-being. One of the most important discoveries is that meditation preserves the length of the telomeres (end cap of our DNA) wich is a very important marker of ageing and longevity: longer telomers = less illness and longer life.


The slow brainwaves produced by meditation also promote the release of healing, growing and rejuvenating hormones such as DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone), melatonin and serotonin. DHEA is a hormone that helps the body fight viral, bacterial and parasitic infections, prevents inflammation and supports the thymus gland (which programs cell lifespan).

During deep meditation, activity slows dramatically in the areas of the brain responsible for the release of stress-related substances such as cortisol and adrenaline. This whole-body/mind deep relaxation promotes healing, cell repair and cell growth. The relaxation that comes about through meditation is far deeper even than sleep. Although DHEA does decrease naturally in the body during the course of a lifetime, there is no reason not to boost DHEA levels through the practice of meditation.

Making time and space for Meditation

The most common reason I hear for not meditating is ‘I don’t have time’. However anyone can find 10-15 minutes per day for meditation. This is a long term investment in yourself, your health and sanity. If we don’t allow ourselves time for silence and stillness, we may be heading for trouble physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

Find a peaceful space in your home where you can spend time in mediation, maybe create a ‘sacred space’, a place where you can recharge, renew and find more peace and inspiration. You might place a particular object here, such as a statue, picture or candle that has meaning to you.

Choose a time to meditate that works you. It does not necessarily have to be in the morning, but could be when you get home from work, last thing at night or any other time that fits in with your daily routine. Make this a habit and explain to other members of the family that this is your meditation time and that you must not be disturbed. Stick with this!

Benefits of Meditation

  • Relief from stress and anxiety (decreases the production of stress hormones)
  • Improved concentration and a clearer mind.
  • More resilience and inner calm. Less bothered by little things.
  • Decreased blood pressure and hypertension.
  • Lower cholesterol levels
  • More efficient oxygen use by the body
  • Increased production of the anti-ageing hormone DHEA.
  • Restful sleep.
  • Deeper understanding of our inner self and of spirituality.

Meditation Practice – 5 to 15 min:

  1. Find a comfortable position, and sit with your spine straight.
  2. Take a few deep breaths, and relax.
  3. Allow your breath to settle into its natural rhythm.
  4. Mantra Meditation:

Say silently in your mind:

Relax – as you inhale. Release – as you exhale.

www.yogapilatesholidays.com  www.innerlightyoga.co.uk

Published in Kent Women in Business 2016. Copyright Rose-Marie Sorokin



Meditation changes your Brain

When I first started to teach yoga and meditation in the 1990’s I was surprised at how prevalent stress and stress related problems were. Now many years later, it is even worse! Many people come to a crucial point when they feel that they simply have to do something about their stress levels. Instead of relying on medication or stimulants, they now increasingly turn to meditation.


However, people meditate for all sorts of reasons, not only to deal with stress, but to improve relationships, understand themselves better, tap into their potential, increase creativity, find meaning and purpose in life, awaken their spirituality. Whatever your reason is for trying meditation, it is an effective way to experience a sense of peace and well-being.

In the past, many people thought that meditation was something strange or something that only munks on mountain tops were doing. I am pleased to say that this perception has changed radically! One reason for this is that there is now overwhelming research showing incredible benefits of meditation. Numerous studies have indicated the many physiological benefits of meditation. An eight week study conducted by Harvard researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) determined that meditation literally rebuilds the brains grey matter in just eight weeks. It’s the very first study to document that meditation produces changes over time in the brain’s grey matter. The study involved taking magnetic resonance images (MRI) of the brain’s of 16 study participants two weeks prior to participating in the study. MRI images of the participants were also taken after the study was completed.

“The analysis of MR images, which focused on areas where meditation-associated differences were seen in earlier studies, found increased grey-matter density in the hippocampus, known to be important for learning and memory, and in structures associated with self-awareness, compassion and introspection”

Can anyone meditate?

Yes! But it is a good question to ask, as many people think they don’t have the temperament for meditation, have tried it briefly only to give up, or they see it as an esoteric discipline without application to their lives. Under the right circumstances, anybody can meditate.

People often confuse meditation with relaxation or some other special state that you have to get to or feel. Some people try to meditate and don’t feel that they are getting anywhere or feel anything special, so they think that they are one of those people who can’t do it.

However, meditation is not about feeling a certain way or experiencing anything in particular. It is about being still and feeling the way you feel. It’s not about emptying the mind and getting rid of all thoughts, although with time you will experience more stillness and fewer thoughts. Above all, meditation is about letting the mind be as it is and relaxing into that. It is not about reaching a certain goal, but about allowing yourself to be in the moment. It is really very simple, but we love to make it complicated!


How to meditate

A common misconception about meditation is that you have to sit in a certain way, but all you have to do is place yourself in a position that is most comfortable to you. It could be sitting cross legged, or sitting on a chair, it is your choice.

 Meditation Practice – 5 to 15 min:

  1. Find a comfortable position, and sit with your spine straight.
  2. Take a few deep breaths, and relax.
  3. Allow your breath to settle into its natural rhythm.
  4. Count your breaths: Inhalation – 1, Exhalation – 1, Inhalation – 2, Exhalation – 2, etc.

(up to 10 and then start on 1 again)

Published in Kent Women in Business Magazine 2016. Copyright Rose-Marie Sorokin


5 reasons to eat Deep Purple Foods

I just made a beautiful deep purple Smoothie and I picked most of the ingredients on my walk today. Did you know that the darker the food, the higher the antioxidant levels?

Antioxidants have the ability to mop up free radicals and keep you looking younger and stay healthier. So dark foods with a purple pigment, such as purple onions, black or purple grapes, purple cabbage, figs, prunes, blackberries, blueberries, black currents and olives have amazing healing powers.


The purple pigment in all of these fruits and vegetables contain flavonoids, including resveratrol, which can help decrease blood pressure. Resveratrol helps to relax the arterial walls, decreases the pressure in the arteries and allows better circulation. They also contain a variety of polyphenols which can reduce the inflammatory response in the body. This helps to prevent all major diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, arthritis and diseases of the immune system.

What I put in my Purple Smoothie:

Blackberries, blueberries, hawthorn berries, rosehips, black grapes, figs, rowan berries, and some green juice. Toping is blueberries, blackberries, macadamia nuts and bee pollen.

Here are five reasons to eat more purple foods:

  1. Purple foods kill cancer. The resveratrol found in purple grapes, cranberries, blueberries and red wine can inhibit the spread of colorectal cancer and other research shows that resveratrol can induce cancer cell death in cases of prostate, breast, skin, liver and lung  cancers.
  2. Purple foods fight ulcers. A recent study found that anthocyanins from blackberries reduced stomach ulcer formation in rats. Researchers believe this is because the antioxidants in blackberries prevent oxidation and boost the activity of other important antioxidants, such as glutathione, that are naturally present in the body.
  3. Purple foods support your liver. Beetroot, blackberries, blueberries and black rice contains high levels of anthocyanins that support all liver functions (over 500 of them!).
  4. Purple foods are good for the heart. Black currants can lower “bad” LDL cholesterol  by up to 13 percent while raising “good” HDL cholesterol.
  5. Purple foods prevent urinary tract infections. Vegetables such as purple cauliflower, purple carrots and purple cabbage contain the same plant pigment, anthocyanin that is responsible for the UTI-fighting power of cranberries.


http://www.rosemariesorokin.com http://www.innerlightyoga.co.uk


It is a Wild World (with Raw Food)

One of my favourite things to do is to forage! And this time of year is perfect for it as it is such an abundance everywhere. When I was out the other day I found: Rowan berries, Hawthorne berries, Blackberries, Rosehips, Nettles and Dandelion leafs. This is something I want to learn a lot more about! I made a lovely Smoothie from these ingredients and added some grapes and figs as well. The nutrient content is through the roof!


Wild plants often have to grow under tough conditions and this makes them strong and resilient and the nutritional value is therefore much higher than in cultivated plants. I am very interested in how we as humans can get the most high quality food possible so wild plants are therefore of a particular interest to me. This is also how we lived thousands of years ago – by picking what we found in the wild. We are simply not designed to eat pre-packed food full of sugar, salt, fat and pesticides! And that is why we have an epidemic of health problems. We need to re-connect to nature and our roots – literally!

<a href=”http://www.bloglovin.com/blog/18267799/?claim=t3h4hrm6sna”>Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

New blog on yoga, meditation, raw food!

Hi everyone! Yes I am back after over 2 years away from my blog, but I now feel a renewed inspiration and will be blogging on yoga, meditation, spirituality, raw food, juicing, travel, nature and many other things, so please join me here and follow my adventures. In my latest blog I was writing about my 30 day juice fasting adventure (which was lovely by the way) so some of what I will be writing about will be super health as I am passionate about this. I am also hosting a range of retreats, both in the UK and in other countries. They are a mix of Yoga, Meditation, Raw Food, Spirituality. You are welcome to contact me for info or go to www.yogapilatesholidays.com

Me practicing Meditation by the Lake in Sweden


Continue reading “New blog on yoga, meditation, raw food!”

Day 29 Juice Feasting

Had a really busy day yesterday, so my juicing was not good, as I was away from home and ran out of my green juice half way through the day. So had some herbal teas, but this left me depleted last night and early this morning. But had lots of green juice this morning and feel fine now. It will be gardening work today.

I am in Sweden right now and we have plenty of elk here. They are wonderful, majestic (very large) gentle creatures. This time of year they sometimes come into the garden and eat apples. They love them (and so do I as I have plenty of the in my juices)! And we have plenty of apple trees, so they are welcome here.  A couple of days ago I had a mother and baby elk coming into the garden. So beautiful! This morning it was only the mother as the baby had been killed yesterday during the ‘elk hunting season’. As an animal lover and vegan, this breaks my heart! So cruel and mindless!!! So feeling sad this morning.
